How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance

How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance with Apache, PHP, MySQL Instructions: Go to and create a new account if you do not have an account already. A credit card or debit is required. Sign into your AWS account under console management. Select EC2 and create a new instance. Choose one of the Ubuntu AMIs, and leave everything default. Under Security groups, create a new security group with SSH and HTTP. Name your key and download. Under the terminal, maneuver to the key and chmod 400 to make sure that the permissions are correct. Under windows, you may have to run as administrator the command prompt or cygwin to chmod properly. Or you can use the command that I did, which was: chown :Users testTutorial.pem Then I did: chmod 400 testTutorial.pem Allows only me to read Then: ssh -i testTutorial.pem ubuntu@...(public IP) Once you are on the Ubuntu AMI, you can start to mess around with the packages to install. I recommend the following: Run the command: sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5 mysql-server mysql-php5 You can also get phpadmin if you would like. Remember to restart the apache service: service apache2 restart Then, run a secure installation of mysql: mysql_secure_installation Go put in your browser the public IP. It works! But what if you want to change the index.html Well, go cd ../../var/www In this directory www, you can edit the index.html sudo vim index.html You can change the index.html to anything you want using the editor of your choice. The site changes. Twitter: Blog: