Vengupal Pai and Marc Trouard-Riolle, from Nutanix discuss the concerns that hold people back from fully embracing the cloud. One major concern is the complexity associated with migrating applications from the data center to the public cloud. Large enterprises with numerous applications, including databases and traditional applications, face challenges in understanding the entirety of these applications before modernizing them. Figuring out the performance, scalability, and dependencies of the applications can be difficult and time-consuming, slowing down the migration process. Additionally, organizations need to consider the cost implications of moving applications to the cloud, as accurately estimating the expenses can be a complex task.
Marc shares a customer's experience with struggling to understand the right sizing of cloud-native virtual machines. This led them to choose larger sizes than necessary, resulting in excessive costs. Marc also highlights the common issue of underutilized workloads, both on-premises and in the public cloud, which can lead to wasted resources and increased expenses in the cloud environment.
Overall, the complexity of application understanding, cost estimation, and proper sizing are key factors that contribute to the hesitation and challenges faced by organizations when transitioning their applications to the cloud.