
DMARC Best Practices with KnowBe4

01/29/2020 13:00:00 - 01/29/2020 14:00:00 -

Only ~20% of companies use DMARC, SPF, and DKIM, global anti-domain-spoofing standards, which could significantly cut down on phishing attacks. But even when they are enabled and your domain is more secure, 81% of phishing attacks still continue to sail right through to the end-user.  

In this webinar, Roger Grimes, KnowBe4’s Data-Driven Defense Evangelist, will teach you how to enable DMARC, SPF, DKIM the right way! Then, learn the six reasons why phishing still might get through to your inbox and what you can do to maximize your defenses. You'll learn:

  •  How to enable DMARC, SPF, and DKIM  
  • Common configuration mistakes  
  • How to best configure DMARC and other defenses to fight phishing
  • Techniques to empower your users to identify and avoid phishing attempts that make it through your surface-level defense

Date: Jan 29 @ 1pm ET


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