
MYTH: Ill Just Use Backups for E-Discovery--BUSTED!

02/28/2019 13:00:00 - 02/28/2019 14:00:00 -

MYTH: I'll Restore Backups for E-Discovery--BUSTED!

Backups are nothing more than point-in-time copies of your data that are optimized for recovery so if you need to recover some of that data for compliance purposes or legal requirements then just recover a backup right? Wrong! E-discovery and legal hold operations are very costly and if you're relying on extracting and recovering backup data for this purpose you're risking a very time and cost intensive effort. Add to this backup's lack of open data access and the costs can mount exponentially.


In this short video q/a webcast, we'll explore:

     ~ How to eliminate risk and assure governance compliance

     ~ Why unstructured data archives need to be done at the file vs. the image level

     ~ How Aparavi makes it manageable even in today's distributed big data world


Join us Thursday, February 28 at 1pm ET as Mike Matchett, Principal Analyst of Small World Big Data busts the myths with Rod Christensen, CTO of Aparavi.



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