Create Phishing-resistant Users and Go Passwordless

Create Phishing-resistant Users and Go Passwordless

Passwordless authentication can significantly reduce the risk of breaches and phishing attacks by eliminating passwords altogether from the equation.
Passwordless authentication can significantly reduce the risk of breaches and phishing attacks by eliminating passwords altogether from the equation. Cyber resilience is established by moving away from not only archaic passwords and legacy MFA like SMS and mobile authentication to modern authentication that empowers users with secure experiences that also accelerates productivity. More and more organizations are increasingly thinking past just the technology of phishing-resistant MFA and are instead laser focused on the user. Securing the user's account lifecycle from registration to account recovery and delivering passwordless authentication creates a true phishing-resistant enterprise that is freed up to reach new heights and deliver value to customers with complete peace of mind.
Attendees will learn about:
•What phishing-resistant users are and their role in creating phishing-resistant enterprises
•How the move to phishing-resistant users helps enterprises accelerate their passwordless strategy
•How YubiKeys advance an enterprise’s passwordless strategy with easy-to-use, modern device-bound passkeys
•Key considerations when going passwordless and how customers have overcome deployment challenges

Our Expert Panel

  • Abby Guha
    Abby Guha - Sr. VP Enterprise Marketing, Yubico
    Abby is the Senior Vice President of Enterprise Marketing at Yubico and a 20-year veteran of the technology industry. At Yubico, Abby leads Enterprise Marketing with a focus on educating organizations to help them adopt modern authentication solutions for a stronger security posture and better user productivity.
  • Jeff Olives
    Jeff Olives - Dir. Professional Services, Yubico
    Jeff is the Director of Yubico’s Professional Services with over 30 years of experience in technology services and product management. He has an extensive history in successfully developing, launching and managing services and data products at global companies such as Visa and ConocoPhillips.
  • Nate Ross
    Nate Ross - Sr. Dir. Customer Success, Yubico
    Nate is the Sr. Director of Customer Success at Yubico, having joined the organization in 2020. With over 20 years of experience in Customer Success, Sales, and Account management roles in both the US and Europe, Nate is passionate about driving customer value and building teams and processes that drive growth and scale.