360View: AI Security, Collaboration & Software Development

360View: AI Security, Collaboration & Software Development

Enkrypt.ai: Sahil Agarwal, Co-Founder & CEO of Encrypt.ai introduces their Sentry solution which acts as a secure gateway between users and AI models. “Sentry,” provides essential visibility and monitoring for sensitive data for compliance and protects...
In this 360View, learn about 3 unique and disruptive technologies that you must know about including:

  1. Enkrypt.ai: Sahil Agarwal, Co-Founder & CEO of Encrypt.ai introduces their Sentry solution which acts as a secure gateway between users and AI models. “Sentry,” provides essential visibility and monitoring for sensitive data for compliance and protects against malicious usage, making the deployment of generative AI in businesses safer and more compliant.

  1. Silence Labs: Silence Laboratories focuses on multi-party computation (MPC) and privacy-preserving computation to tackle data privacy and AI security. Silence Laboratories uses cryptography to ensure enterprises can collaborate on data without compromising privacy, allowing more accurate credit scoring, secure medical collaborations, fraud detection, and more. By deploying their libraries directly into data nodes, data is secure at rest and in motion, even when it's being actively utilized.

  1. Stride: Stride Conductor is an innovative tool designed to autonomously handle intricate coding tasks, reduce technical debt, and enhance code quality without human intervention. Stride Conductor employs multiple AI agents to tackle persistent issues such as linting errors, security vulnerabilities, and outdated code. By refining the application of GenAI to specific aspects of software maintenance, Stride aims to boost productivity and maintain high-quality standards across vast codebases significantly.