360View: May 2022
In the May episode of 360View, we'll cover these 3 disruptive and compelling technololgies in 60 minutes that IT pros must know about with Couchbase, Nasuni and ManageEngine
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In the May episode of 360View, we'll cover these 3 disruptive and compelling technologies in 60 minutes where you'll learn:
- How to benefit from the flexibility of NoSQL with the power of SQL. Use SQL for familiar query access; store data as JSON and avoid a restrictive relational data model with full-text search, analytics, eventing, and key-value...with Couchbase.
- How to get cloud scalability and resiliency with local performance in NAS while improving your cybersecurity posture. Ensure resiliency against ransomware through immutable storage with built-in DR that can recover millions of files in minutes (not hours). With Nasuni.
- How to stop insider threats from your environment by observing behavior patterns and anomalies across firewalls, routers, workstations, databases, file servers and users themselves. With ManageEngine.